Room Six started our inquiry unit by making human bodies.

Breana and Samara search the internet to help them place the body organs on their bodies.

Doctor Margaret came to visit us with her friend Mr Bones. She brought some models of body organs. Did you know that the heart is hollow? Doctor Margaret answered lots of our questions about the human body.

Doctor Samara is using a stethoscope to listen to Elle's heart beat. We all enjoyed Doctor Margaret's visit and hope she will come back and talk to us again.
Who is tygogal? I clicked on it and it was something about a virus. This needs to be not accepted by the administrator as it looks pretty dodgy. I hope no one else clicks on it.
Anyway, I wanted to say to Room 6 - I love your photos and I think the 'body' that you have lying on your back wall looks great too! Ms D-R
Hello Room 6
Great to see you working hard on the human body! You look wonderful in your photos. From Mrs O'D
Working quietly Briarna and Falefia, good work. Wonder if you try that at home!!
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